Practical Concepts For Reasonable Plans Of

KCNA VIA KNS/AFP Pemimpin Korea Utara, Kim Jong Un, mengunjungi Gunung Paektu di Provinsi Ryanggang. Gunung itu dijadikan tempat suci bagi rakyat Korea Utara. JAKARTA, - Penasaran dengan Korea Utara ? Paket wisata ke negara pimpinan Kim Jong Un ini ditawarkan oleh agen perjalanan Indonesia. Calyba Tour salah satu agen perjalanan di Indonesia yang menyelenggarakan perjalanan ke Korea Utara sejak tahun 2002. "Untuk visa ke Korea Utara ini memang harus diurus di Pyongyang langsung, belum bisa di Jakarta," kata Founder & Chairman Calyba Tour, Ali 'TRAVELGURU' Gita dihubungi KompasTravel, Minggu (29/4/2018). Berwisata ke Korea Utara sampai saat ini masih belum dapat dilakukan sendiri. Wisatawan harus menggunakan jasa agen perjalanan, yang nantinya di Korea Utara juga akan selalu ditemani oleh agen perjalanan lokal dan petugas partai. Ali sendiri mengatakan peminat wisata ke negara yang dipimpim Kim Jong Un ini tidak sedikit. Calyba Tour sering membawa wisatawan grup atau wisatawan individual. "Untuk grup itu maksimal 20-30 orang. Selama ini untuk pembuatan visa wisatawan Indonesia selalu lolos, karena sejak Korea Utara merdeka punya hubungan diplomasi yang baik dengan Indonesia," jelas Ali. Mantan Perdana Menteri Korea Utara, Kim Il Sung punya hubungan yang baik dengan Presiden RI pertama, Soekarno. Orang-orang berjalan di depan patung pemimpin Korea Utara Kim Il Sung (kiri) dan Kim Jong Il (kanan), setelah meletakkan bunga untuk menandai ulang tahun keenam kematian Kim Jong Il, di bukit Mansu, Pyongyang, Minggu (17/11/2017). (AFP/Kim Won Jin) Jadi berapa harga paket wisata ke Korea Utara? Ali menjelaskan harga dimulai dari 2.500-3.000 dollar AS atau setara Rp 34 juta - Rp 42 juta rupiah per orang. Harga tersebut berlaku untuk kuota grup, dengan minimal 16 orang dalam satu grup. Selain itu, Calyba Tour juga melayani perjalanan eksklusif, minimal untuk dua orang dengan permintaan perjalanan ke daerah kota-kota antimainstream di Korea Utara dengan fasilitas bintang lima. Harga paket tur eksklusif Korea Utara tersebut berkisar 4.000-6.000 dollar AS atau setara Rp 55 juta - Rp 85 juta per orang.
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Revealing Smart Methods In

/ AFP PHOTO The FIFA World Cup trophy has arrived in the country ahead of the two-day tour set to be graced by President Uhuru Kenyatta beginning from today. Jomo Kenyatta International Airport is a beehive of activity today as the Fifa World Cup trophy arrives accompanied by the International Automobile Federation president lands. This will be the first high-profile activity for the new Cabinet secretary for Sports, Rashid Echesa. Among the VIPs expected at the airport to welcome the world’s most coveted football trophy will be the Coca-Cola Company Senior franchise brand manager, Rodney Nzioka. This will be the third Fifa Football World Cup Trophy Tour in Kenya. The Sports CS will receive the trophy, to be delivered by Willfreight Express Cargo Services after going through customs clearance at the airport. Echesa will then lead the delegation to State House, Nairobi, where President Uhuru Kenyatta will receive the authentic 18-karat gold trophy that weighs 6.1 kilogrammes. Only heads of state and World Cup winners are allowed to touch the trophy. Get the latest World Cup news updates. Subscribe to our SMS sports service by texting 'SPORTS' to 22840. Russia will host the Fifa World Cup tournament this June 14 to July 15.
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Important Information To Use When You Travel.
A good vacation is highly anticipated and very restful. Traveling to your vacation spot, though, is often stressful. It is always possible for something to go wrong, whether it is booking the trip, packing or catching the plane or train. Use the information below to help you plan a trip.
Don't use the public computers in your hotel or anywhere else they offer free internet while you are on vacation. There may be malware on the computer that can log your information.
Make sure you are careful about any food allergies you may have whenever you visit a foreign land. If your food allergy is particularly bad, make sure to express this in their language. This helps ensure that the wait staff is clearly informed of your allergies in case of an emergency.
When you plan your next trip, pick a digital camera that will suit you on that particular trip. For instance, rechargeable batteries are not great for backpacking in the woods for a week. You will probably prefer a camera able to be engaged at a moment's notice in order to catch all of the great shots.
If you wind up traveling through a small airport, look online ahead of time to find out what services are offered there. Many small airports offer charter airlines; they may not show up as you search for rates, and sometimes can offer a better deal than major airlines.
Take a couple of clothespins with you when you travel. They are often forgotten, but they actually can prove to be very useful.
Try to work in some physical activity before your flight. This will help you avoid the tediousness of long flights. Sitting in the same position for long periods of time can cause leg and back cramps. Having a quick workout or, at the very least, stretching before a flight can reduce or eliminate leg cramps and soreness.
Look at airline websites when making a search for low rates. Sometimes they have better prices than the discount travel websites.
For most people, staying at a fancy hotel is not an option. Bring a rubber doorstop to stay safe. In addition to chaining and locking your door, you can slide it under your door for extra protection from intruders. This will ensure that bad guys can't get through the door.
If you're planning a long car trip with kids, pack a few cookie sheets. The sheets can be used as a flat surface under coloring books or to play cards. If your children are very little, you can pack magnetic numbers and letters for some educational entertainment.
Cash your traveler's checks before going shopping or eating. Though most places will accept these checks, they can offer difficulty when used. It's possible to get shorted when using them; so, sometimes cash is better.
If you are taking a small child in a long car ride, plan on taking breaks every few hours. Breaks give you the chance to stretch out and go to the bathroom. In addition, getting a little fresh air can help keep motion sickness at bay. Though it adds a little time, the stress reduction is valuable.
Booking your travel plans online is virtually a one stop shop for your vacation planning. You will find that your itinerary will be much easier to plan with the aid of a travel site. Just use your home computer to book your flights, make hotel reservations and arrange for a rental car. Many of these sites offer package deals that can save you a lot of money. You can also save a good bit of money and make last-minute plans on the cheap by using travel sites.
Now you have reviewed a great set of travel tips to make your next trip a delight. When booking a trip in the future, try using these tips to start with. They are sure to help alleviate stress and make traveling easier for everyone.