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Plastics Recyclers Europe plastics circular economy research PE-LD Work on the characterisation of recycled PE-LD pellets, which provides a framework for the quality assessment of the pellets, has been conducted by Plastic Recyclers Europe and the Belgian textile research centre VKC-CENTEXBEL . The research aims at enhancing demand for recycled plastics by providing standardised methods to evaluate quality based on EU standards. Testing has been carried out at the polymer lab of VKC-CENTEXBEL, an expert in the field of plastic R&D. The results enabled elaborating of best available techniques to determine recycled PE-LD quality. These techniques are included in the characterisation document. “Setting a scientifically grounded benchmark for quality of recycled PE-LD pellets is the first step towards plastic circularity as conceived by the Plastic Strategy,” said Ton Emans, PRE President & PE-LD Working Group Chairman. “Clear and transparent standards give greater confidence in the value of recyclates and thus enhance demand for recycled plastic,” he continued. “This initiative improves the transparency and credibility of recycled plastics.” PRE’s aim is to drive plastic recycling progress by developing further standardisation and assessment of pellets’ quality for other plastic types and specific end-applications. Driving quality and demand for recyclates is key to make plastic circular.
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